
Editing Suite

We pick out the best takes and arrange them into one complete cohesive narrative.

Lodi UK - Exhibition video
My Time London - App overview
Maurice Malcolm
Our Avid Media Composer editing suite allows us to create graphics and manipulate the overall sound design to enhance the finished production.
The Editing Suite.

Sometimes editing can be relatively straight forward and uncomplicated. I say this guardedly.

However, sometimes problems may arise with conference footage. For example, presenters may have difficulty with their slide deck, or the technology on the day may get the better of them.

The editor has to review each presentation in real time in order to eradicate unwanted occurrences. Other times an edit can be a simple case of editing out the presenters walking up to the lectern and settling down, adding their on-screen name strap, company logo and synchronising their slide deck. Once completed this footage still needs to be encoded out of the edit suite which can take more than the real time of each presentation.

Files need to be uploaded to Dropbox for you to download. Even a one day conference can take a couple of days or more to edit. It’s not an exact science.

Some productions may take several weeks to edit and involve the design of complex graphic sequences which need to be incorporated within the film’s timeline.  

We may have to buy in specialist library footage for your production, so copyright needs to be considered. It’s always best to consider a graphics budget for your production.
Less is more...

Very often a simple opaque, graduated coloured strapline with the presenter’s name can look really effective. 

When requested we can design stylised graphics to enhance the message of the production. If your company has ‘Branded Guidelines’, we do need a copy of this document in advance of the edit. The guidelines will advise us on how to use your company logo, fonts, colours and style. 

Many clients do not have official guidelines and have just one font style. Our editing suite does have a library of standard font types. 

However, if you have a bespoke font style, you will need to send us this before any editing starts both in a Mac and Windows format.