
Live Video Streaming

Live Video Streaming for communication has just got better!

We offer a flexible Live Video Streaming service.

Live video streaming adds functionality and content to your existing website and social networks with ‘live’ or ‘on demand’ video by streaming to a desktop, tablet or mobile.

Your training, conferences and events become accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Businesses are being creative with their marketing, offering a Hybrid or Virtual experience for their clients.

Consider selling out 'Virtual Seats' for your next event, again creating another revenue stream. 

The benefits of using our Live Video Streaming service.

Host the viewer page within your existing web site or any of your social channels.

Let us design your bespoke white labelled viewer page.

Within the landing page you have the option to sell out sponsorship space, creating a revenue stream to cover the cost of Live Video Streaming.

Our service can be fully password protected if required, With our service there are no random adverts before, during or after the broadcast. You can add your own sponsor video ads if required, value added for when sponsors are supporting your event.

It’s all about your connections...
Live Stream Column 2 Op

You will find many companies now offering live video streaming and coming up with trendy sales names.

However, BEWARE!! Read the small print. Many companies will rely on the venue's internet connection and lots of venues only offer WiFi connectivity. 

To overcome this we integrate our LiveU device which consists of 5 X Sim cards. It splits across various network providers and can combine the signals together for a more resilient internet connection.

Often venues offer WiFi which is also shared with guests. So, even though the rehearsals may go well, once the room fills things can go drastically wrong.
Pushing the production value...

Our TriCaster Mini 4K system allows for far more professional production offering. You have options for integrated on screen graphics, presenter names, logos and playback of pre-recorded material. 

We can also add presenter slides and even ingest remote contributor feeds from different locations.

This unit really does take your event to another level giving your virtual delegates a true Live Video Streaming production.
Can you stream by yourself?

Yes and No. I am sure throughout lockdown you have done your fair share of Facetime and Zoom meetings. You may even have taken part in the occasional virtual pub quiz or book group? 

Perhaps you are confident to conduct a live Periscope from your mobile phone? With all of this you may also have experienced, poor sound, fuzzy pictures, lip sync issues and unreliable internet connections.

Our Live Video Streaming packages are significantly different at every level. We take steps to alleviate all the above issues, offering additional cameras and enhanced production value.

If you have to stream from home, here are some tips.
Live Stream P1
£2,325 ex vat
What's Included >

What you get in this package:

1 x Camera & tripod

1 x Camera operator

1 x Video switcher, we can cut between presenter slides and live camera(s)

1 x Vision mixer operator

1 x Streaming encoder – this device gets you up onto the internet

1 x Radio mic (lavalier) for the presenter & batteries

1 x Laptop


Landing page incorporating your company logo and streaming viewer window. Additional design is charged per hr

500 viewers (more viewers can be added)

1 x Transmission engineer

Additional charge for pre-production if required, from £150.00 ex vat

This package excludes transport, overnights if required and PD's.

If you want to dip your toe into the world of live streaming this is the package for you! This gets you going with full technical support so you can sit back and concentrate on your content.

Live Stream P2
£2,750 ex vat
What's Included >

What you get in this package:

2 x Cameras with tripods (1 locked-off and 1 operated)

1 x Camera operator

1 x Video switcher, we can cut between presenter slides and live camera(s)

1 x Vision mixer operator

This system gives you far more production value, offering more options for on screen presenter, graphics and playback options for pre-recorded materiel.

2 x Radio mic (lavalier) for the presenters & batteries.

Landing page incorporating your company logo and streaming viewer window. Additional design is charged per hr

1,000 viewers (more viewers can be added)

1 x Transmission engineer

1 x Streaming encoder – this device gets you up onto the internet

Additional charge for pre-production if required, from £150.00 ex vat

This package excludes transport, overnights if required and PD's.

After cutting your teeth on package 1 and seeing the potential, you'll be itching to develop your ideas to offer a more comprehensive broadcast. Again, you will get full technical support so don’t worry you will not be left on your own.

ICARE landing page example
IET Austin Court
IET Landing Page Design